Apartment Hotel has got 6 types of rooms designed for both individual and family holiday. Small apartments are designed for 1-2 guests. Large apartments are designed for 1-6 guests. You also have an option of renting The Apartment Hotel as the whole unit and it will be at your and only your disposal. Each room has got facilities of creating an extra space for an extra person.
At the first floor:
1 Big two-room apartment
and 1 Small one-room apartment
Second floor:
1 Big two-room apartment
and 1 Small one-room apartment
Third floor:
1 Big three-room apartment
and 1 Small one-room apartment
Big apartments are possible to use as 2 (3) small apartments with the combined bathroom facilities. |
Keep in order
- conditioner
- shower
- hair drier
- DVD and CD a player
- satellite TV
- Internet
- fax and telephone
- pool
- terrace in each room
- chaise lounges
- cookhouse
- mini-laundry
- fireplace hall
- summerhouse and garden furniture
- excursion
- foot-walk and sea-walk
- festival
- ferry in Italy
- active tourism
- disco clubs, concert... →